Welcome to
Hawthorn Metro District
Table Rock Ridge is a part of and is governed by the Hawthorn Metropolitan District (Hawthorn). Hawthorn is a local governmental entity, known as a metropolitan district, which is responsible for providing certain public infrastructure and services to the Table Rock community. Metropolitan districts are permitted by Colorado State Statute to finance community planning and certain critical infrastructure, including initial construction of streets and certain utilities, as well as amenities such as trails, paths and greenbelts. Bonds are issued to finance the construction of infrastructure and amenities. Once the initial infrastructure has been completed, a metropolitan district will continue to exist for many years while the infrastructure bonds are being repaid through property tax collection. After initial infrastructure has been completed, metropolitan districts are also permitted by Colorado State Statute to provide certain ongoing services to the community, like trash and recycling. Hawthorn exists for such purposes beyond the repayment of the infrastructure debts.
Hawthorn is similar to an HOA in that it manages certain aspects of the community and has a Board of Directors (BOD) to govern District operations. The BOD differs from an HOA as the BOD members are elected officials meeting quarterly, and special meetings can be called to discuss issues that may arise. The BOD is elected to vote on and ratify items that impact Hawthorn on behalf of the District. The BOD dedicate time to address District business at District Board meetings. If you have questions or comments for the BOD or BOD members you may send them to MSI, LLC for inclusion in the meeting and/or you may attend public meetings. MSI, LLC manages Hawthorn and all questions regarding Hawthorn should be directed first to your community manager listed on the Contact page.